Hey! ✋ Here is the Click Center Advertising Agency.

I want to tell you about my last trip to Warsaw. Max and Eugene went to attend the Big Money business conference.
This conference is designed for entrepreneurs of all levels. It was from 8am to 10pm. At the conference, we listened to entrepreneurs who achieved gigantic results in their industries. IT, gastronomy, logistics, employment agencies and so on. Each speaker talked about his business and the barriers he had to overcome.

⚡It was very interesting and motivating!

✊ We have learned something for ourselves from each speaker. During the breaks, we met many other entrepreneurs like us!

The next day at 8am we went for a run with the keynote speaker @chernyak_yevgeny. The monthly turnover in his company is about 1 billion. You will always receive valuable tips from such a person.

✍ To sum up, Big Money – is not only a source of information, but most of all it is energy, motivation and new contacts.
We are full of energy, motivated and we have a direction in which to go!

❕ Sight of the day:
„- What is the most important?
– Freedom .”

Fixed it.

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